
Removing @unifi ssid in any unifi router

Telekom Malaysia Unifi has been forcing all firmware that came in with their original wireless router to have @unifi suffix in the SSID. This is a workaround that I found to remove the @unifi SSID using ssh to your router. This is tested on DS244WSGV TM Unifi Router.

In summary:
  1.  Login router config page using IP, eg Use tmadmin account not tmuser account.
    1. Username: tmadmin, password: Adm@xxxx , xxxx is last four digit of MAC address
    2. Example mac address 00:0a:95:9d:68:18 so password will be Adm@6818. Look at the router sticker for this or using tools such as Fing
  2. Enable ssh under Advanced > Remote Access > IPv4 Secure Shell (SSH)
  3. Login into router SSH, using router IP. Use any SSH client Android user can use terminus.
    1. SSH IP same like web interface IP eg:
    2. SSH username: tmadmin
    3. SSH Password Adm@xxxx - same like web interface tmadmin password, last 4 digit of mac address
  4. Enter the terminal and key in
    1. "help". Remove the quote, just put help, want to see if we can SSH properly to the router, you will get response from the router with commands available
    2. "config wlan interface ssid wlan0 <YOUR_SSID>" for 2.4 GHz SSID
    3. "config wlan interface ssid wlan1 <YOUR_SSID>" for 5Ghz SSID
    4. Change <YOUR_SSID> to your SSID not such as MY_WIFI no bracket. 
    5. Take note all security settings are remain the same from the settings you set in the web page.

Good luck, and try at your own risk. At best if you just don't remove the @unifi SSID, but then for me some old devices have limitations I'm force to do this to enable it working.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the info. The @unifi ssid is really a nuisance as my iot devices won't work.

  3. I don't have the option "Advanced > Remote Access > IPv4 Secure Shell (SSH)" on the FiberHome router. Is there anyway around it?

  4. Assuming you are using TM Unifi supplied FiberHome SR1041Y

    Login using

    Advance Setup -> SSH Service

    1. Thank you for your reply.

      I tried using the details provided but I get an error using the SSH client.

      09:46:10.999 Started a new SSH session.
      09:46:11.015 Connecting to SSH server
      09:46:11.015 Connection established.
      09:46:11.015 Server version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2016.74
      09:46:11.015 First key exchange started. Cryptographic provider: Windows CNG (x86) with additions
      09:46:11.124 Received host key from the server. Algorithm: RSA, size: 1040 bits, SHA-256 fingerprint: BuCSIg4STeG8QYS8dKSXGCQWpHB/Pe7FDRF3WpseB9E.
      09:46:11.140 First key exchange completed using Curve25519@libssh. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, integrity: hmac-sha2-256, compression: none.
      09:46:29.036 Attempting password authentication.
      09:46:29.395 Authentication failed. Remaining authentication methods: 'publickey,password'.

    2. Hello, what can I do when I tried to login the router page with this superadmin but I can't access because it said the password is wrong, I have tried this before long time ago but I have no memory ever changing the router superadmin password. Is there anything I can do able to login with superadmin again? Thank you

    3. I have the same problem. Cannot login with superadmin

  5. Worked like a charm! Nadzri even helped to debug my syntax error. Thanks!!

  6. Thanks, managed to get rid the @unifi suffix for TP Link EC221-G3v.........

    1. Can u write a guide for this router?

    2. I managed to enter SSH, i followed the step, but nothing change, not sure what i did wrong.. hmmm router TPLINK EC221-G3v. Anyone can help?

    3. Why i cannot................

  7. the telnet won't accept the web ui tmadmin password for SR 1041 Y version 102

    1. same here SR1041 cant use tmadmin or superadmin for ssh. anyone got any idea how?

      ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss tmadmin@
      tmadmin@'s password:
      Permission denied, please try again.

    2. For SR1041Y
      1. enable telnet
      2. ID: admin
      3. PW: hg2x0
      Hope it works for you.

    3. Thanks, it works!

      $ iwconfig ra0 essid wifi
      Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :
      SET failed on device ra0 ; Operation not permitted.

      then i tried su:
      su: incorrect password

      su needs a different password. if only I got the root password.....

    4. same problem here... "Operation not permitted"

  8. The method shared works! thanks for the sharing =)

  9. SR120-A try fiberhome/fiberhome

  10. For SR1041Y
    1. enable telnet
    2. ID: admin
    3. PW: hg2x0
    Hope it works for you. - yes it does...Thank you..much appreciate it.

  11. anyone has the ssh or telnet login for FiberHome model SR1041F ? note that the postfix is "F" not "Y". thanks.

  12. EC221-G3v can enter SSH and config, but suffix still there.... can help?

  13. Remove the forced @unifi suffix to the Fiberhome SR-1041Y router, using Google Chrome browser Page Override function.
    Tested working 2023 May 24. SR-1041Y (HW ver : SR1041Y_R1A)

    Get the router Wifi-checking JS file :
    - Open Google Chrome v65++ browser.
    - Load router login page ( No need to login yet.
    - Open browser Inspector (F12). Inspect main page.
    - Scroll to bottom of page, find the line below, right click on the javascript, Reveal in Source Panel.

    < scr1pt src="js/chunk-common.01234ABCD.js">
    *01234ABCD is a hex string, ie. 3898afeb.

    - Navigate to Source Panel. Save JS file to a folder (to be use as override). Close the Inspector tab.

    Edit the JS file :
    - Edit the chunk-common.XXXXXXXX.js file with Brackets / JS editor (beautify it first).
    ○ Change all "$isTM" variable to "$notTM" (or any other name, to make it an invalid variable).
    ○ Change all "@unifi" text to "@NO_FI" (for visual indication in Wifi setup page, to appear when the override is working)
    ○ Save the JS file.
    ○ Done with changes. (Backup this JS file !)

    Override the JS File
    - In Google chrome, with Inspector visible, open Source tab. Click Enable Override on the page.
    - Important step : RELOAD the page at least once, for override to take effect !
    - We can now close the Inspector tab. JS Override will take effect every time, until manually disabled.
    - Login using tmadmin or superadmin.
    - Go to Basic Setup > WLAN Wifi page (2.4G or 5G).
    - If the override is working, the "@unifi" suffix should now show "@NO_FI".
    - Change the Wifi name and save it, "@unifi" will NOT be appended.
    - Repeat with all Wifi names.
    - Done.
    - To revert to default TM @unifi, disable the Page Override in Chrome or delete the local JS file. Reload the router login page.

    1. This is working for me. Only thing is that, you still need to negate the `$notTM` boolean in order to really login in like like TM. So my suggestion is to leave the `$isTM` as is, and then change this part:
      $isTM: {
      get: function () {
      return "MY_TM" !== GCONFIG.area;

      from `"MY_TM" === GCONFIG.area` to `"MY_TM" !== GCONFIG.area`

  14. It works on D-Link DVG-F2452 with PuTTY tool. Great effort!

  15. Fiberhome SR1041F firmware RP0107 latest.
