MATLAB | Purpose |
Nifty Command | |
clc | Clear command window |
clear | Clear system memory |
clear x | Clear x from memory |
Matrices and vector | |
x(:) | All elements of x |
x(j:end) | jth to end element of x |
x(2:5) | 2ndto 5th elements of x |
Standart Matrix and vector operation | |
x=[1, 2, 3] | 1x3 (row) vector defined |
x=[1; 2; 3] | 3x1 (column) vector defined |
x=[1, 2; 3, 4] | 2x2 matrix |
x(2)=4 | change index value nr 2 |
x.*y | Element by element multiplication |
x./y | Element by elemnent division |
A.^n | normal/Matrix power of A |
A' | Transpose of A |
inv(a) | Inverse matrix |
size(x) | Rows and columns of matrix |
eye(n) | Identity matrix |
sort(a) | sorts vector from smallest to largest |
eig(a) | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
angle(x) | Get the argument value of complex number x, in radiant |
abs(x) | Get the absolute value of complex number x |
Matrix operation and function | |
x(x>0)=0 | change elements >5 to 0 |
Misc | |
x = linspace(0,50,6) | Create an array from 0 to 50 with distributed stepsize divided by 6 x = 0 10 20 30 40 50 x = [ 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ] |
q = [0:4:20] | Create an array of from 0 to 20 with stepsize of 4 q = 0 4 8 12 16 20 q = [ 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 ] |
Constant | |
pi | Produce the constant value of pi |
exp(x) | Produce exponent to the power of the number x |
Graph Plotting | |
plot(x,y) | Plot graph of y against x |
title('Graph of y = x') | Create a title on the top of the graph, "Graph of y = x" |
xlabel('0 < x < 6') | Create a label for the bottom x-axis, "0 < x < 6" |
ylabel('y = x') | Create a label for the left side y-axis, "y = x" |
legend('y=x') | Create a legend on the top right corner |
grid on | Switch on big grid on the generated graph |
grid minor | Add small grid line on the generated graph |